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McDonald’s System Outage Disrupts Operations Wor

McDonald’s Corporation, the global fast-food giant, experienced a significant system outage that d

Meta Ventures into AI: Building a Unified Model to

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is embarking on a groundbreaking endeavor to revolutionize its

Apple to Facilitate Seamless Transition to Android

Apple has announced plans to streamline the process for customers to transition to Android devices,

Apple’s Termination of Epic Games’ Dev

The ongoing saga between Apple and Epic Games has reached a crescendo with Apple’s abrupt term

Meta Unveils Interoperability Plans: WhatsApp and

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has disclosed further details regarding its strategy to make i

Apple Hit with €1.84 Billion Fine by EU: The Ant

In a groundbreaking move, the European Union has slapped Apple with a staggering €1.84 billion fin