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KI Data Platform

Discover. Monitor. Manage.

KI Data Platform is an agile and innovative Big Data discovery, monitoring, and alerts platform. We provide tools that enable businesses, non-profits and government agencies to achieve their marketing, operations, compliance and risk goals.

KI Data’s analytical capacities enable clients to optimize communications and public relations through:

Track Public Perception and Reputation

Evaluate Competitors

Optimize Campaigns

Understand Audiences

Follow Discourse

Benchmark Performance

1. Understanding Public Perception

Monitor perceptions of your organization or brand, and quickly detect any potentially negative developments. Keep track of questions and feedback from the public online and respond effectively.

2. Competitive Research

Evaluate the online presence and engagement of your competitors or other organizations in your sector. Understand public perceptions of different brands or organizations.

3. Campaign Planning and Measurement

Understand current social media trends to inform your communications strategy. Get rapid feedback on campaign performance and use insights to optimize engagement.

4. Understanding Audience Interests and Demographics

Understand your audience’s interests, demographics and geographical distribution. Identify key influencers, advocates and critics.

5. Conversation Theme Analysis

Identify trending topics in your sector and what is being said about products, services, programs and issues. Identify and build relationships with influencers and advocates.

6. Performance Benchmarking

Track your campaign performance over time and analyze what is driving online engagement. Compare your performance to competitors or peers and understand which communications strategies are working.