Online News Monitoring And Analysis services
KI Design offers following services to its clients:
- Analysis of media coverage of topics of interest. These can be provided daily, weekly, monthly, or as requested.
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the media’s coverage of given issues over a specified period of time.
Our media sources include national, regional, and local media coverage, in English and French, and other languages as required. Our wide range of news outlets includes paywall, trade, online, print, and broadcast publications, including major daily newspapers, regional newspapers, weekly and community newspapers and specialized magazines, as well as radio, television, Internet, and international media sources as required. The news feed is delivered continuously.
The media summary reports we provide contain an analysis of the current period’s media coverage in relation to a user’s topic of interest. These can include:
- Objective data in relation to the quantity, scope, type, tone, frequency and balance of media coverage in relation to specific stories/issues.
- A media relations report on our client’s presence/position in media outlets.
- A searchable, updated, and targeted list of media contacts and influencers.
Our media analysis can include a broad range of metrics, including the following:
- Client messages and media lines being picked-up by media
- How prominent is our client’s message on specified issues
- The elements of client program messages that are being emphasized, or ignored or misrepresented, by media.
- How media coverage of an issue differs between national, regional, and local media
- The elements of relevant stories that are receiving the most attention
- How other stakeholder organizations (outside of the media) are responding to a story
- Who are the top quoted individuals and influencers
- How the story is being interpreted by editorial writers and commentators
- Whether any difference exists between how the issue is presented in French and English media
- Location and frequency of media coverage
- Tone of coverage (KI Data uses sentiment and emotion analysis. Sentiment classifies posts and discussions as positive, negative, or neutral, while emotion analysis includes Anger, Fear, Disgust, Joy, Surprise, and Sadness.)
- Type, source, and frequency of media coverage
- Brief summaries of relevant news stories
Our platform interface is bilingual, and results can be automatically translated into multiple other languages.
KI Data can provide real-time or scheduled alerts based on triggers or metrics. Users can configure alerts that are based on real-time data matching certain criteria, as well as setting a daily alert schedule. Alerts can be delivered as notifications inside the platform, or be emailed to desktop or mobile devices.
KI Data allows users to setup and save multiple topics containing an extensive number of search terms to monitor content. Users can manage and modify their own search terms; simple or advanced Boolean logic may be used if desired.