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With KI Data, your EMB can identify possible issues on social media — operational issues, disinformation, or misinformation — that might impact the electoral process, and manage its operations responsively rather than reactively. 

The artificial intelligence behind KI Data software analyzes the textual content from all publicly-available data to identify statistical patterns within users’ posts. Entire discussions are examined at an aggregate level. Our customizable, professional-grade analysis reports deliver clear and effective visuals and diagrams appropriate for a wide audience. Users can select from a variety of metrics to include in reports.

With our proven, live query analytics, you can recognize and monitor key influencers and track and respond to disinformation or misinformation issues from the beginning of the election process.

As well, KI Data will allow you to identify and prioritize elections-related integrity, security issues, and respond to and deal with public concerns around operational issues.

Our platform is provided as a software as a service, running on Amazon Web Services. It is a fault-tolerant environment which will recover any of its affected components; for example, should anything occur during election milestones such as voting day.


KI Design provides social media monitoring of any political financing activity. Our platform is able to track all media on all political parties, as well as all candidates, riding associations, and third party donors. We also offer consultation regarding appropriate tool choice and implementation.

Unique Approach

One size fits one — we tailor the interface and queries depending on your use case.
We use advanced data science to build sophisticated queries.
We can custom-configure our system with the candidate, political party, third party, and party association lists of any jurisdiction.
We use advanced analytics and AI to isolate and identify sources of disinformation and misinformation.
We identify examples of interference by social media and news outlets from outside national borders.
Our geo-location features allow users to pinpoint sources of disinformation. During the election period, you can geo-locate where electors may be facing issues at the polls and understand where the trends are originating from, at an aggregate level.
We correlate and identify illegal donations from corporate donors to political parties.

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For more information, see KI Design’s booklet, Using Social Media Data To Transform Election Monitoring