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Tag / AI

Google Opens Up Shop: New Tools to Boost AI Model

In a surprising move, Google has released a wave of open-source tools aimed at supporting developers

Europe’s Strong Privacy Laws Under Threat: A

The European Union (EU) has long been a champion of data privacy, with the General Data Protection R

AI Revolutionizes American Farming: A Gateway to G

In the heartland of the American Midwest, a quiet revolution is underway as farmers embrace the powe

The Impact of AI in the Workplace: Exploring Manag

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology integration in workplaces, the role of artificial in

UN Adopts First Global Artificial Intelligence Res

In a landmark decision, the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously adopted the first-ever g

GitHub Launches AI-Powered Autofix Feature for Cod

In a move aimed at enhancing developer productivity and code security, GitHub has introduced a new b

Nvidia Unveils Cutting-Edge AI Chip: The Next Leap

Nvidia, the renowned US tech giant, has made waves in the industry yet again with the announcement o

France Fines Google $270M for Breaching Publisher

In a continuing battle between Google and France’s competition authority, the Autorité de la

Understanding the EU AI Act: A Groundbreaking Step

The EU AI Act represents a pioneering effort in regulating artificial intelligence (AI), marking a s

YouTube Introduces Disclosure Requirement for AI-G

YouTube has announced a new policy requiring creators to disclose when their content, particularly r